Empowering Neurodiverse Children to Thrive
At Jamaica Autism Academy, we provide a safe, inclusive space where every child on the autism spectrum receives the tools they need to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.
Welcome the Jamaica Autism Academy
Founded in 2024 by Sydia Allen, Jamaica Autism Academy (JAA) is dedicated to providing specialized education, therapeutic services, and unwavering support to children on the autism spectrum. With a focus on inclusivity, empowerment, and collaboration, we nurture each child’s potential to live an independent and fulfilling life.
Explore Our Programs & Services
Educational Programs
Providing personalized coaching and guidance to parents of children with special needs. Offering strategies, emotional support, and practical approaches to navigate the unique challenges of parenting a child with diverse learning abilities. Empowering parents to advocate effectively and create an inclusive environment for their child’s growth and development.

Therapeutic Services
Conducting comprehensive training sessions for educators to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to include children with special needs in regular classrooms. Covering aspects of adapting curriculum, implementing diverse teaching strategies, and creating an inclusive assessment environment. Enhancing teacher confidence and competence to provide quality education for all students.
After-School & Extracurricular Activities
Tailored training programs for organizations to foster a culture of inclusivity and effectively integrate persons with special needs into the workplace. Addressing awareness, accommodation strategies, and best practices to create a supportive and accessible work environment. Promoting diversity, understanding, and collaboration for an enriched organizational experience.